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Aerial photo station area Laan van NOI_rood2.jpg

In the coming years we will be making plans for the Laan van NOI junction. The number of residents, employees and travelers in the region is growing. New homes, workplaces, facilities and a cycling route will also be built in the immediate vicinity of Laan van NOI. Laan van NOI junction must be ready for that growth. Prorail, NS, RET, HTM, the Rotterdam-The Hague Metropolitan Region and the municipalities of Leidschendam-Voorburg and The Hague are jointly investigating what we need to do to create a nice place for residents and travelers.


The Laan van NOI junction should become a pleasant place where you can quickly transfer between train, bus, bicycle, Kiss & Ride and taxi. But also a place where you can wait quietly, work for a while and meet each other. The station must develop into a fully-fledged intercity station with good facilities.

In the coming years we will have to make important choices about the future. You can help us with this. We are curious about your wishes and ideas for Knooppunt Laan van NOI.

The Old Line

Junction Laan van NOI is part of De Oude Lijn. This railway line has been connecting the cities of Leiden, The Hague, Delft, Schiedam, Rotterdam and Dordrecht since 1847.

This region will grow by 170,000 homes and 85,000 jobs in the coming years. Accessibility must grow along with it.


The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the province of South Holland, the Rotterdam The Hague Metropolitan Region, ProRail and the municipalities of Leiden, The Hague, Schiedam and Dordrecht have started a so-called MIRT exploration. MIRT stands for Multi-Year Program Infrastructure, Space and Transport. This research consists of 6 sub-projects. The Hague Laan van NOI junction is one of them.

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Start (2022 – 2023)

Research (2024 - 2026)

  • Conducting the MIRT studies

  • Various participation and consultation moments

  • The choice of a preferred variant for Station Laan van NOI

Create plan (2026-2027)

  • Parties start by making a plan.

Execute (from 2028)

  • Preparation and step-by-step development of the junctions on De Oude Lijn, including Station Laan van NOI.

Line drawing of a top view abstract map, with railways and roads coming together in a cent

Think along with us!

The Laan van NOI junction must continue to accommodate a growing number of travelers in the future and be a pleasant place to stay. We ask residents and travelers to think about this.

Knowing more? View our agenda !

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